Monday, 27 July 2009

The Pre-holiday Escapade!

Well, the morning of our departure for Tuscany, Italy, was an absolute disaster. Charlie always seems to injure himself prior to our family going away, and this one was no exception. It was 6am when the rain was poouring heavily, the end of our heatwave, and we were all wide awake, rushing to get the washing in which had been drying overnight. Charlie had been on tablets for his throat, so I gave him that, then went upstairs to try and get some more sleep, for we weren't going to leave for the airport until 10am. Charlie went into my sister's room.

Suddenly, there was a bang outside. Sophie ran downstaris and opened the front door, then ran back upstairs yelling for mum, stating that Charlie had fallen out of the window!! We all ran outside, thinking the worst, and we saw him on the flowerbed looking a bit shocked. At this time I was thinking that if his back leg was bust, that would be the end of Charlie. :-( But mum picked him up and balanced him on his three legs, and he could stand, thank goodness, so now the worst injury would be if he has broken his toe, which would mean cage rest.

We brought him inside, and he was badly limping on his back leg, so I thought he had broken one of his back toes - but he managed to jump on the sofa and fell asleep. By this point we had phoned the vet, and he was going to go in at 8am, when they open. I was sat beside him as he slept, tears pouring down my face as we didn't know what was going to happen.

He went to the vets, where he was sedated and had an xray. They phoned us afterwards to let us know that nothing serious was wrong at all, and so my step-dad and I went to pick him up. We saw the Xrays as the vet talked to us about what she saw. We looked to, and saw that nothin at all in his leg was broken, however what we did saw was that he had arthritis in both his hip and joint in his leg. She said that when you see arthritis like that, it takes between three and six months to form, so he has either had it for three to six months, or he has had it for years, and he has not been feeling any pain at all. Obviously, because he has been limping, it just shows he has bruising. He recieved new medicine for his leg and that was that.

we managed to leave for the airport and all was fine, despite us worrying about Charlie the first day, it was all very tiring and emotional. The lady who came in to look after Charlie was excellent and texted us every other day to let us know how he was getting on. After two long weeks we returned back to WET UK, where we saw Charlie coming down the stairs as we entered the house. He was himself again, no more coughing and he wasn't 'limping' at all!

So all is well, just a bit of a silly adventure Charlie took. When he had his four legs (about seven or eight years ago) he has walked out of Sophies window before and onto the roof, but it was sunny back then, and he had more balance. Silly old boy!

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